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Implementing your suggestions


Implementing your suggestions

We improve our services based on your experiences. We seek feedback through surveys and focus groups, customer journey mapping, data collection, meeting with student representatives and social media.

We are proud of our ongoing commitment to enhancing your experience. Here are summaries of the projects we've undertaken, publications we've written and conference papers we've presented on our work.





Students as academic partners: Student-led evaluation of the refreshed Study Skills Portal

The revised Study Skills Portal, created in the summer of 2023, was designed as an engaging, asynchronous resource to support study skills teaching, both in modules and in self-directed learning. It also has a Starting at University section, to provide support for students pre-arrival and during Welcome Week.     

The portal had input from the Study Skills Community of Practice (comprising staff from all academic schools and key professional services departments) during the initial development but student feedback was needed, to develop it further. This project worked with 3 students (UG and PG) to seek student feedback and make recommendations in response, receiving 710 responses to an online survey and gathering more in-depth feedback from seven students, via focus groups.

Student recommendations, gathered in this SAP project, are currently being implemented by the Community of Practice, and include: improvements to navigation, increased promotion, and additional content.



Purcell, S. and Mandall, T. (2024) ‘LILAC 2024: Compassion, authenticity, and positive pragmatism’ (Conference report). Journal of Information Literacy, 18 (1). pp. 233-236. Available at:



Devine, K., Zanella, G. and Bloxsidge, E. (2024) Talking around the library tree: systematic review self-taught community of practice [Podcast]. 8 August.

Courage, K., Sykes, R., Dann, K., Edge, R. and Wright, C. (2024) University of Worcester study skills podcast [Podcast]. 5 episodes. 4 April.



Courage, K., Malomo, M., Cooper, D., Kennett, A., Wyre, L., Purcell, K., Taylor, A. (2024) ‘Student-led evaluation of the refreshed Study Skills Portal’ Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Worcester, 18 June (Unpublished)

Devine, K. (2024) ‘Supporting students undertaking systematic reviews: creating a cross-institutional community of practice for librarians and information professionals’ Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Worcester, 18 June (Unpublished)

Devine, K. and Cattell, C. (2024) ‘Working together for student success: a collaborative approach to dissertation support in Sport’ Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Worcester, 18 June (Unpublished)

Devine, K., Speakman, L., Bloxsidge, E. and Zanella, G. (2024) ‘Riding the wave: systematic review support in healthcare and beyond’ UHMLG Conference. University of Lancaster, 4 June (Unpublished)

Gallagher, S., Purcell, S., Gibson, L., Griffin, M., Tully, E., Sundari, S., Courage, K., Hill, E. (2024) ‘Resource Lists as Liberation: Amplifying Lesser Heard Voices in Education’ Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Worcester, 18 June (Unpublished)

Hope, H., Lewis, J., Courage, K., Whiteside, M., Dann, K. and Edge, R. (2024) ‘Empowering the Next Generation: Tailoring GenAI for Student Success in Higher Education’ Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Worcester, 18 June (Unpublished)

Searle, A. (2024) ‘“It takes so long!”: Dyslexic students’ experiences of academic referencing’ Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Worcester, 18 June (Unpublished)

Taylor, A., Harwood-Browne, M., George, M., Connors, B, and Chambers, K. (2024) ‘5 quick wins for people with text disabilities’ Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Worcester, 18 June (Unpublished)





Team Teaching Award 2023 – Academic Liaison Librarians

The Academic Liaison Librarians were awarded a University of Worcester Team Teaching Award in recognition of their exceptional teaching and support for students, during and post-pandemic.



Learner Journey refresh

The Library Services has previously developed the Learner Journey toolkit, providing a self-audit tool and a teaching menu to help academic colleagues to embed relevant skills training at the most appropriate point in the curriculum. Our teaching is designed to develop the core academic skills of understanding, finding, evaluating and referencing academic information. In addition, our enhancement opportunities support the development of key graduate attributes.

This year we have worked with staff and students to develop a refreshed version of the teaching menu, to streamline the process of identifying the opportunities for information literacy interventions in academic programmes and to ensure that the support we offer meets student need, post-pandemic.

We have worked with the Centre for Academic English and Skills, to link our information skills teaching with their academic writing provision, and to make it easier for academic staff and students to quickly seek help from the most appropriate service.

The new teaching menu aims to guide conversations between librarians and academic staff, and quickly illustrate where we can add value, build confidence and aid retention among students. These conversations can be particularly useful during the course approval and re-approval processes.

Work to review the self-audit tool, as part of the Learner Journey process, is ongoing.


Study Skills Portal refresh

We have worked with colleagues across the university, from both academic schools and professional services departments, to consolidate and refresh the university’s study skills portals, merging into one central, engaging and interactive portal and introducing a new Starting at University section for students to access pre-arrival and during the welcome period. Work to evaluate the portal, with academic staff and with students, will take place during semester one.


Student-led service standards

We have consulted students to gather their feedback on our Library Services service standards, to ensure that they reflect the priorities of our students post-Covid. We have worked with students from our Library Student Team to agree the wording of the new standards to make sure that they are meaningful and relevant to students.


Students as leaders in co-creation: The evolution of Worcester's library student team

This co-presented vlog demonstrated how the University of Worcester’s Library Student Team evolved during its first year, elevating the role of the students in the partnership, and moving from the early co-created projects, which were instigated by staff, with student input, to projects instigated and led by students, with staff supporting and facilitating. In the presentation the scheme was assessed in how it moved up Bovill and Bulley’s “ladder of student participation”, and reflections on the best way to facilitate this transition are shared.

Kennett, A., George, M. and Collins, V. (2024) ‘Students as leaders in co-creation: The evolution of Worcester's library student team’, AdvanceHE Students as Co-creators Symposium. Online. 31 January 2024. (Unpublished)



George, M. (2023) 'Defining, delivering and evaluating student engagement in a professional service in higher education: a case study of a student engagement team in an academic library’ in Lowe, T. (ed.) Advancing student engagement in higher education: reflection, critique and challenge. Abingdon: Routledge

Jones, Stephanie (2023), Identifying skills for delivering Customer Service in the integrated library environment at The Hive. CSGUK. 21 March

Keene, J. (2023) 'A whole-service Quality Evaluation Framework'. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, 11-13 July 2023 

Keene, J. (2023) '2 partners 1 event: measuring impact to meet different priorities'. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, 11-13 July 2023  

Thomas, Gavin , Devine, Kathryn  and Molnár, Győző  (2022) 'Experiences and Perceptions of Women Strength and Conditioning Coaches: A Scoping Review'. International Sport Coaching Journal. pp. 1-13. ISSN Print 2328-918X Online 2328-9198


Conference presentations

Collins, V., Courage, K., Kennett, A. and Mofiyinfoluwa Asalu, R. (2023) ‘Students as true partners: the launch of the Library Student Team’, Student Experience Conference. University of Worcester, 13 June 2023 (Unpublished)

Courage, K. and Jones, S. (2023) 'A library service for everyone: The Hive and civic engagement’Business Librarians Association conference. University of Lancaster, 29 June 2023 (Unpublished)

Courage, K., Jarman, M., Purcell, S., Wright, C., Dunn, J. and Collins, V. (2023) ‘Integrating academic skills for student success’ Student Experience Conference. University of Worcester, 13 June 2023 (Unpublished poster presentation)

Keene, J. (2023) 'A whole-service Quality Evaluation Framework'. 15th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, 13 July 2023 

Keene, J. (2023) '2 partners 1 event: measuring impact to meet different priorities'. 15th International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries, 11 July 2023 

Taylor, A. and Sykes, R. (2023) ‘Speed up your research with LibKey and BrowZine’, Student Experience Conference. University of Worcester, 13 June 2023 (Unpublished)





Five years of student engagement

The meaning of Student Engagement for Library Services at the University of Worcester has evolved considerably since two Student Engagement Coordinators were recruited in January 2016. With the Coronavirus Pandemic in 2020-21, the way in which we engage with our students has evolved further. This report will looks at the evolution of the role and the ways in which we engage with students, including methods for measuring impact.


Study Skills Portal Project Report

The purpose of this project was to develop a university wide study skills portal to meet the needs of staff and students. Consultation with students informed the process and design and the project was successfully completed in 20/21. The study skills portal links out to all study materials and resources hosted across the university (from Library Services, Student Services, Technology Enhanced Learning, IT, Writers in Residence and the Centre for Academic English and Skills).


Liberatory Reading Students as Academic Partners Project

This Liberatory Reading project was a collaborative project completed in 2019-20 involving university staff and students. It was inspired by the widening participation initiatives being undertaken at other institutions. The aim was to address underrepresentation of students from non-traditional backgrounds in higher education. They explored a range of areas including identity, representation and inclusion in Resource List design. This current project builds on this earlier work to encourage engagement and collaboration and further embed Liberatory Reading principles across the institution.


Resource List Engagement: measuring usage, staff and student experiences at the University of Worcester

This collaborative project was delivered by Library Services with the support of staff from departments with the College of Business, Psychology and Sport and College of Arts, Humanities and Education. The aims were to explore student engagement with Resource Lists and examine the potential impact on student success through access to reading and library resources. The project resulted in a Top tips to Resource List success infographic for staff. An accessible version of the Top tip to Resource List success infographic is also available. 



Malomo, Michelle ORCID: and Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: (2021) ‘So, you want me to read for my degree?’: A Universal Design for Learning approach to reading. Insights: The UKSG Journal, 34 (1). p. 19. ISSN 2048-7754

Mehta, Priya (2021) Book Review of Aston, S. and Walsh, A. (eds). 2021. Library pedagogies: Personal reflections from library practitioners. Journal of Information Literacy, 15 (2). pp. 193-194. ISSN 1750-5968

Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: and Jones, Stephanie (2021) Case study: spaces and stakeholders in The Hive during Covid-19. RLUK.

Keene, Judith and Downes, Janine (2020) Do library partnerships work and how can they help build a strong future for the library? In: Bold Minds: Library Leadership in a Time of Disruption. Facet Publishing, London. ISBN 9781783304530

Veitch, Karen ORCID: (2020) New Voices Case Study by Karen Veitch. New Voices.

Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: (2020) From Information Literacy to the Learner Journey: Aligning Academics and Librarians Through Pedagogic Research. New Review of Academic Librarianship, 25 (2-4). pp. 150-170. ISSN 1740-7834


Conference Papers

Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: and Jones, Philip (2021) #ebookSOS: how the pandemic has impacted on learning resources and what we’re doing about it at the University of Worcester. In: Mercian Collaboration Conference 2021, 9th-10th September 2021, Online. (Unpublished)

George, Madalene, Millard, Kristy and Taylor, Alison ORCID: (2021) The Resource List Engagement Project: Evidence-based approaches to Resource List design. In: Mercian Collaboration Conference 2021, 9th-10th September 2021, Online. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: and Jones, Stephanie (2021) Digitally dependent, but technologically restricted: inequalities of access laid bare by Covid-19. In: CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections Group Annual Conference 2021: “The appliance of science: what might developments in science and technology mean for Special Collections?”, 7th-8th September 2021, Online. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: (2021) "Top 10 study habits of successful students": is it really as easy as all that? In: Halesowen University Centre lecture series, 05/07/2021, Online. (Unpublished)

George, Madalene and Millard, Kristy (2021) Resource List Engagement: measuring usage, staff and student experiences. In: Talis Insight Webinars 2021, 27th-30th April, Online. (Unpublished)

 Mehta, Priya (2021) Getting a new job remotely. In: cpd25 Online Recruitment: applying for a job and recruiting new team members in an online, remote environment., 9 March 2021, Online. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: and Malomo, Michelle ORCID: (2021) Creating communities of practice: learning from a UDL project to engage students with academic reading. In: Inclusion by design seminar, 15/01/2021, Online (University of Worcester). (Unpublished)

Malomo, Michelle ORCID: and Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: (2020) Breaking down attitudinal barriers in the fortress of academia: learning from a UDL project to engage students with academic reading. In: UDL conference, 7-8 October 2020, Online (hosted by Kristianstad University). (Unpublished)

Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: and Malomo, Michelle ORCID: (2020) “So, you want me to read for my degree?”: a Universal Design for Learning approach to reading. In: UKSG webinar (in lieu of UKSG conference), 17 June 2020, Online. (Unpublished)

Malomo, Michelle ORCID: and Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: (2020) So you want me to read for my Degree ? - a Universal Design for Learning approach to reading. In: Talis Insight Webinars 2020 (Europe), 29/04/20, Online. (Unpublished)



Pittaway, Sarah ORCID: and Wells, R. (2021) An interview on Imposter Syndrome with Sarah Pittaway, University of Worcester, Inventing Change Podcasts. [Audio]





Resource List Engagement: measuring usage, staff and student experiences 2019-20

This project combines data gathered by our Resource List provider, Talis, with internal data and rich feedback from University staff and students to offer insight into resource list usage and showcase examples of best practice resource list design. Project outcomes include a Resource List Engagement project infographic and a curated Resource List. You can also read the full project report.


Liberatory Reading Students as Academic Partners project 2019-20

This Students as Academic Partners project was delivered in collaboration with staff and students from the School of Sports and Exercise Science. The project aimed to explore the concept of liberatory reading and consider themes of identity, representation and inclusion in relation to resource list design. Find more information about using diverse resources on the Liberatory Reading Resource List


Student engagement projects 2019-20

Aims and outcomes from a number of our student engagement projects including our response to Covid-19, study spaces, student survey evaluation and customer journey mapping.


Study skills portal project 2019-20

A project to bring together all the study skills information available to students in a variety of places across the institution, including information from Library Services, Student Services, the Centre for Academic English and Skills, TEL, IT and Writers in Residence.


A Universal Design for Learning approach to reading

This is a collaborative research project between the School of Education and Library Services at the University of Worcester. It explores how a Universal Design for Learning framework can be applied to teaching practice and the learning experience to encourage students to engage with reading. Project stages include technological responses such as encouraging students to use accessibility tools, and supporting staff and students through digital change during the pandemic. 


askalibrarian discovery sessions

Discovery sessions were created by Library Services' as our response to support students studying either fully or partially at a distance. With the University's usual Welcome Week programme disrupted, different methods and new tools including LibCal (from October 2020) were needed to inform and teach students while social distancing and lockdown rules were in place. The report is accompanied by a Discovery sessions infographic for Semester 1.



Keene, Judith and Downes, Janine (2020) Do library partnerships work and how can they help build a strong future for the library? In: Bold Minds: Library Leadership in a Time of Disruption. Facet Publishing, London. ISBN 9781783304530 Item availability may be restricted.

Veitch, Karen (2020) New Voices Case Study by Karen Veitch, New Voices.  Item not available from this repository. 


Conference papers

Malomo, Michelle and Pittaway, Sarah (2020) "So, you want me to read for my degree?": a Universal Design for Learning approach to reading.  In: Talis Insight Webinars 2020 (Europe), 29/04/20, Online.  (Unpublished).  Item availability may be restricted.

Pittaway, Sarah and Malomo, Michelle (2020) "So, you want me to read for my degree?": a Universal Design for Learning approach to reading.  In: UKSG webinar (in lieu of UKSG conference), 17 June 2020, Online.  (Unpublished)





Eresource requests 2018-19

A review of eresource requests from academics and academic liaison librarians for the 2018-19 academic year. 


Student engagement projects 2018-19

Aims and outcomes from a number of our student engagement projects including webpage accessibility audits, referencing guides redesign and mystery shopping. 



Campbell, E. and George, M. (2019) '"The Hive Mind": supporting community wellbeing in an integrated public and university library', ALISS Quarterly, 15(1), pp. 7-11. Item availability may be restricted.

Malomo, M. and Pittaway, S. (2019) 'So, you want me to read for my degree? Considering a Universal Design for Learning approach to reading through the use of audiobooks and accessibility tools'JISC Accessible Organisations: Supporting learning providers in creating inclusive teaching and learning experiences, 20 July. Available at: Item availability may be restricted.  

Morton, T., Atkinson, T.,  Brooker, D., Wong, G., Evans, S. and Kennard, C. (2019) 'Sustainability of community-based interventions for people affected by Dementia: a protocol for the SCI-Dem Realist Review', BMJ Open, 9(7). doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032109

Pittaway, S. (2019) 'From information literacy to the learner journey: aligning academics and librarians through pedagogic research', New Review of Academic Librarianship, 25(2-4), pp. 150-170. doi: 10.1080/13614533.2019.1589542

Pittaway, S. (2019) 'Staff-student partnerships, power and opportunities: reflections from the Change Agent Network Conference 2018', Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 5(1). doi: 10.21100/jeipc.v5i1.883

Taylor, A. (2019) '"Engaging academic staff with reading lists": the Worcester story', Journal of Information Literacy, 13(2), pp. 222-234. 


Conference papers

Campbell, E. and George, M. (2019) ""The Hive Mind": supporting community wellbeing in an integrated public and university library"ALISS Summer conference 2019 promoting well-being in libraries: practical advice on planning and marketing events for our staff and user communities. Coventry University, London, 21 August. (Unpublished) Item availability may be restricted.

Devine, K.(2018) 'The Myth of the "digital native": what it is and why it matters', Exploiting the 'ghostings, materialisations and flows' of the TEL universe: innovations, opportunities and recruitment. University of Worcester, Worcester, 17 October. (Unpublished)

Devine, K. (2019) '"You get out what you put in": how students perceive their "Learner Journeys" at the University of Worcester', LILAC: The information literacy conference. University of Nottingham, Nottingham, 24-26 April.  (Unpublished)  

Devine, K. (2019) 'OSCOLA teaching at the University of Worcester', East Midlands ARLG teachmeet: the positive face of referencing. De Montfort University, Leicester, 11 June. (Unpublished)

Devine, K. (2019) '"A Surreal experience between school and the real world”: student perceptions of their ‘Learner Journeys’, University of Worcester learning and teaching conference 2019: learning in partnership. University of Worcester, Worcester, 12-13 June. (Unpublished)

Devine, K. (2019) '"They expect more of you in second year”: University of Worcester students’ perceptions of the transition to level five', University of Worcester learning and teaching conference 2019: learning in partnership. University of Worcester, Worcester, 12-13 June. (Unpublished)

George, M. (2019) '"How do we know what works?" Designing an impact framework to evaluate the role of student engagement', Internet Librarian International: the library innovation conference 2019. Olympia, London, 15- 16 October. (Unpublished) Item availability may be restricted.

Kosinski, K. (2018) 'Promoting the Open Access agenda through the use of virtual learning environment', Repository fringe. University of Edinburgh, 1-2 July. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, S. (2018) 'From information literacy to the Learner Journey: using what academics really think to develop the teaching offer at the University of Worcester', European conference on information literacy (ECIL). Oulu, Finland, 24-27 September. (Unpublished)           

Pittaway, S. (2018) 'I'm a librarian, don't make me shush you!', Hereford University Centre public lecture.  Hereford University Centre, Hereford, 22 October. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, S.and Malomo, M. (2019) 'Audiobooks, accessibility tools and Universal Design for Learning: breaking down barriers', UKSG 42nd annual conference and exhibition. Telford, 8-10 April. (Unpublished)

Taylor, A. (2018) 'Online reading lists: encouraging staff engagement to improve student information literacy'European conference on information literacy (ECIL). Oulu, Finland, 24-27 September. (Unpublished)





Customer Service Excellence standard

A governmental standard evidencing our priority for customers, with particular focus on delivery, timeliness, information, professionalism and staff attitude.

Talis Award: Excellence in marketing and engaging academics

This award is for universities that show a dedication to academic adoption, impressive and creative methods and a well executed plan.

The Union Awards Students' Choice: Sustainability award

This award is for departmental achievement.



Student engagement projects 2017-18

Aims and outcomes from a number of student engagement projects, including gathering feedback on Riverside study spaces, a study skills portal and short loans.

Snapshot surveys 2017-18

An annual snapshot of some of our services.

Eresource requests 2017-18

A review of eresource requests from academics and academic liaison librarians for the 2017-18 academic year. 

Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Unit projects

Our TEL Unit carry out or contribute to a range of projects connected with teaching, learning and assessment.  Final reports are available for two of the projects completed in 2017-18. 



Allen, S. and Downes, J. and Keene, J. 2018) 'New audiences, new opportunities in a joint academic and public library: The Hive, University of Worcester, U.K' in Collaboration and the Academic Library: Internal and External, Local and Regional, National and International. Chandos Information Professional . Kidlington: Chandos Publishing, pp. 183-194.

Devine, K. (2018) 'Undergraduate students’ perceptions of their “Learner Journey” at the University of Worcester and Library Services’ role in this journey' Masters thesis, Robert Gordon University.  Winner of the Douglas Anderson Award (distinction).

Graham, R. (2018) 'But it's all free on the internet!', Information Today Europe: ILI365.

Pittaway, S. and Worsfold, L. (2017) 'The Hive at five: from design to delivery', ALISS Quarterly, 13(1), pp. 8-10.

Pittaway, S. (2018) '"Not just the help": Library Services as professional colleagues', ALISS Quarterly, 13(3), pp. 13-16.


Conference papers

Collins, V., George, M. and Taylor, A. (2017) 'You only get what you give: a new, radical approach to promoting trust at University of Worcester Library Services?'Mercian Collaboration conference: in libraries we trust. The Venue, De Montfort University, Leicester, 12 September.(Unpublished) Item availability may be restricted.

Graham, R. (2017) 'Improving the user experience for University of Worcester library users', The Online user experience; LibGuides and library web pages. Coventry, 15 November.  (Unpublished)

Kosinski, K. (2018) 'Promoting the Open Access agenda through the use of Virtual Learning Environment', Worcester learning and teaching conference. University of Worcester, Worcester, 14 June. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, S. (2017) 'Not just "the help": Library Services as professional colleagues', The 2nd Relationship Management in HE Libraries conference. Lancaster University, Lancaster, 16-17 November. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, S. (2018) 'Using what academics really think to develop our teaching offer: Mapping the Learner Journey at the University of Worcester',  LILAC (Librarians’ Information Literacy annual conference) 2018. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, 4-6 April. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, S. (2018) 'Defeating the imposter within: or, "they haven't found me out yet"', UKSG 41st annual conference and exhibition. Glasgow, 9-11 April. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, S. (2018) 'Can students contribute to the recruitment of staff? New approaches to partnership working at the University of Worcester', Change Agent Network conference 2018: championing student-staff partnerships in an age of change. University of Winchester, Winchester, 19-20 April. (Unpublished)





How can we maximise the use of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to improve the student experience?

This project aimed to gather student feedback on how the VLE, Blackboard, is currently being used and seek their opinions on what could be changed to improve the student experience.


Student engagement projects 2016-17

Aims and outcomes from a number of student engagement projects, including gathering feedback on Welcome Week, taking shelfies during induction and study mapping.


Eresource requests 2016-17

A review of eresource requests from academics and academic liaison librarians for the 2016-17 academic year.  Purchased resources, including those for new courses, were communicated via a blog post.



Beevers, C. and Fagg, S. (2016) 'FIL benchmarking project',  Forum for Interlending and Information Delivery Journal, (65), pp. 17-25.

Pittaway, S. (2016) 'Engaging students, shaping services: the changing face of student engagement at The Hive', Insights: the UKSG Journal, 29(3), pp. 249-257.


Conference papers

George, M. (2017) 'Shortbread and sticky notes: taking a personal approach to student experience at University of Worcester Library Services', Gregynog colloquium. Gregynog Hall, Newtown, 12-16 June. (Unpublished)

Pittaway, S. (2016) 'When is a librarian not a librarian?', UKSG forum 2016 'The innovation game: breaking the rules'. London, 16 November. (Unpublished)





User testing review

In May 2015, Library Services began work to overhaul its online presence.  Prior to launching the new pages, we invited users from across the University to give their detailed feedback.  This review lists the comments received and actions taken.



Allen, S. (2016) 'The Hive: the joint University of Worcester/Worcester public library that’s open for business', SCONUL Focus, 65, pp. 23-28. 

Fairman, R. (2015) 'The Westerman typescripts at the University of Worcester Research Collections', The Westerman Yarns Newsletter, (6), pp. 21-22.

Pittaway, S. and Downes, J. (2016) 'Making the vision a reality: the University-public library partnership at The Hive', Taking Stock.

Pittaway, S. (2016) 'Students as partners in recruitment', SCONUL Focus, (65), pp. 40-43.


Conference papers

Pittaway, S. (2016) 'Engaging students, shaping services: the changing face of student engagement at The Hive', UKSG 39th Annual conference and exhibition. Bournemouth, 11-13 April.

Pittaway, S. (2016) 'From Data Entry to Advocacy: Recruiting Students as Resource List Assistants', Talis Insight 2016. Birmingham, 20-21 April.

Pittaway, S. (2016) 'Working with students to shape Library Services at The Hive', University of Sussex Library staff conference. University of Sussex, Sussex, 13 June. (Unpublished)