Resource Lists are your one-stop shop for all the books, articles, videos, policy documents and other resources that you expect your student to engage with.
Resource Lists integrate seamlessly with Blackboard so you don’t need to maintain separate reading lists anywhere else.
There are lots of ways you can integrate Resource Lists into your teaching and support your students (video 5:54). You can organise and annotate your lists in any way to best suit your teaching.
Resource Lists is fully accessible and works with screen readers and keyboard shortcuts.
Our Alternative Formats service also provides print-disabled students with as much reading from their Resource Lists as possible, at the appropriate time for them and in suitable formats.
You can help us by ensuring your lists are published well before the beginning of semester. This ensures we know what students need to read and gives us plenty of time to source alternative formats to meet their needs.
To see all of your Resource Lists, including those in draft, go to Resource Lists. Click on Log in on the navy blue bar and use your University network account. You already have a profile, as well as list publishing and editing rights.
There is a link to Resource Lists in the staff portal, in the left side menu 'Applications'.
There will usually be an existing list for you to edit, as we copy over published lists each academic year. Click on My Lists to view any that are already assigned to you or use the search bar to search by module code or name. Click on the list you want to edit and click on Add to My Lists, so you can quickly find it in future.
Please see our video (1:16) which explains how to find your lists and add to My Lists.
Has the owner (module lead) for the list changed? You can change the owner of your resource list (video 0:42).
To add resources to your list you first need to install the Talis Aspire browser extension.
Please see our video (1:42) which demonstrates how to add the bookmarking extension to your browser.
We copy across existing, published lists annually before the new academic year, so you will rarely need to create a new list, except for new modules or non-module specific lists . Please speak to your Academic Liaison Librarians if you would like to discuss this.
Bookmarking is the quick and easy way to add books, journals, webpages and other sources to your lists. You can bookmark from anywhere online, including Library Search or websites like Amazon and YouTube. It’s rare that you’ll have to manually add a bookmark, although this may be necessary to bookmark some PDFs. You may like to try using the lookup feature in resource lists to create a new bookmark or update an existing bookmark.
You can save bookmarks directly to your Resource List, or you can add them to My Bookmarks to find them again easily and re-use across multiple lists at another time.
You can edit your list in any way that suits your teaching style and guides students to read effectively. You can organise by themes, weekly reading, or types of source.
Please see our video (4:12) which explains more about editing the structure of your list.
To help students access as much reading material as possible, you can request digitisation of book chapters and print journal articles (video 6:00) directly from your Resource List.
You need to publish your finished Resource Lists so that students can see them. You also need to send them for review so that we can order any new items in time.
Please ensure that you set an importance level on each item in your list: recommended for student purchase, essential or further. As well as offering some guidance to students to manage their reading and purchasing decisions, this also supports our library ordering processes.
Please see our video which explains how to indicate essential reading on your resource list (video 1:20).
Make it easy for your students to find your resource list by linking to your resource list in Blackboard Ultra (video: 2:55)
If you arrange your Blackboard Ultra course by subject, theme, or by week-by-week activity, you can structure your Resource List to match this. You can then link to sections of your resource list in your Blackboard Ultra course (video 2:40).
If you are an academic member of staff and you can’t see or find your resource list in Blackboard, the most likely reason is because you have not logged in to the Resource Lists website first. You need publish the resource list for the current academic year to make it visible without logging in, and to make it visible to students.
Your Academic Liaison Librarians can help with this.
If you need to link to your Resource List, for example in module documents, you should include a URL in the format, where ABCD1234 is your module code.
You can change the referencing style to any of the styles supported at Worcester, using the Citation Style option in your lists.
You can use the list dashboard to see the analytics for your lists.
Your requested materials are automatically checked against the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) licence.
The licences states that the University must own a copy of the book or journal article. Personal copies don’t count.
However, if don’t have a copy, we can buy copyright cleared chapters and articles from the British Library. This is sometimes a more cost-effective option for us.
There are limits to how much of a particular work we can digitise. These are:
The publisher must also be covered by the terms of the licence. This means that all printed books, journals, magazines, conference proceedings and law reports published in the UK Kingdom are covered, unless specifically excluded.
Categories of works not covered by the licence include:
We also can’t use the licence as a substitute for buying original material. For example, we can’t make a selection of scans from multiple works for a single module instead of recommending a textbook to students. This is known as textbook substitution.
Your requests must be associated with a module for an academic year, or part of an academic year.
If your request is rejected, the requested material isn’t covered by the CLA licence.
You will be given different options for how to link to online resources. We should be set up so that it doesn’t matter what you choose. However, we recommend picking Open URL for full text articles and journals available from our library subscriptions and web address for other online content. If you use DOI check the bookmark link doesn't hit a paywall.
If you want students to read a particular chapter of a book, make sure it’s clearly marked in your list. When bookmarking:
You have to add bookmarks one at a time. You also can’t copy whole sections and move them from one list to another. However, you can copy another Resource List to use as a template if the content is likely to be very similar.
No. But you could copy the document to GoogleDocs and then bookmark that into your list. Alternatively, add the document to the relevant place in your module documentation and add a note to your list referencing it.
Yes, but not automatically. You will need to copy and paste your list URL into the relevant bit of Pebblepad.