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2023 Education subject guide






Research databases are large collections of journal articles and other academic papers. Some cover lots of subjects (Academic Search Complete and publisher packages such as Wiley or SAGE), and others are more specialist (for example, PsycInfo for psychology or Emerald for leadership and management). Many are included within Library Search but some are not (British Education Index and ERIC being notable examples). 

Open Access (OA) resources are those which are openly accessible without a subscription. Some of the resources available are excellent for reaching lesser heard voices within Education, and these are shared below.

Are you undertaking a Systematic Review methodology or 'systematic literature review'? Recommended databases include British Education Index, ERIC, Web of Science, Academic Search Complete and ProQuest (Education Database - use the 'choose databases' tab to select those you wish to search).

You can also access a range of online resources from Worcestershire Libraries, including ebooks via Borrowbox and magazines and newspapers via Press Reader, and online reference services from Oxford, The Times and more. For further information on how to access these resources as a member of staff or a student, please see our FAQs or email - in some cases you may require a WCC digital library membership, which you can set up online





browzine logoOur Browzine collection offers a great visual way to browse journals in your area, build your own bookshelves, save links to articles, and explore special issues and articles in press. Here is a link to the journals categorised under Education.


There are useful organisations, journals and publications which might not be available through Library Search or research databases, and some are listed below. You may wish to investigate whether you can subscribe individually to subject associations or publications. The Council for Subject Associations directory may be useful for this.




Curriculum and training references

Department for Education (2013) The national curriculum in England: key stages 1 and 2 framework document. Available at: (Accessed: 8 August 2022).

Department for Education (2014) The national curriculum in England: Key stages 3 and 4 framework document. Available at: (Accessed: 8 September 2022).

Department for Education (2023) Early years foundation stage statutory framework for group and school-based providers. Available at:
statutory_framework_for_group_and_school_based_providers.pdf (Accessed: 25 January 2024).

Department for Education (2023) Early years foundation stage statutory framework for childminders. Available at:
statutory_framework_for_childminders.pdf (Accessed: 25 January 2024).

Department for Education (2011) Teachers' Standards. Available at: (Accessed: 6 March 2024).

Department for Education and Department of Health and Social Care (2015) Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years. Available at: (Accessed: 13 November 2024). 

The ITTECF (see below) replaces the initial teacher training core content framework (CCF) and the early career framework (ECF) from September 2025. 

Department for Education (2024) Initial teacher training and early career framework. Available at: (Accessed: 4 March 2024). 

Government and education policy


Statistics and legal information


Historical and archives




Advance HE has a knowledge hub of resources on topics and themes across higher education.

British Educational Research Association (BERA) focuses on the advancing of knowledge in education and sustains an educational research community. The BERA Blog and the Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research may be of particular interest to students.

Chartered College of Teaching works to support teachers and connect them within a research-informed community. Keep up to date through their news and blogs page. Free student membership is available to those on teacher training courses, including those on School Direct and Teach First, plus "those studying in full-time education for a degree in education or on a postgraduate programme related to education". One benefit of membership is access to Impact, a termly publication with articles and information connecting research to classroom practice.

CollectivED is a working papers series from Leeds Beckett University. The theme of these papers is the value of collaboration and professional dialogue for individuals, the institutions they work in and consequently their pupils and students.

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is “dedicated to breaking the link between family income and educational achievement”. The charity does this by summarising, sharing and generating research-informed evidence on what works for teachers and leaders.

EPPI-Centre develops methods for and conducts systematic reviews in social policy. A range of technical reports and summaries are available on the website.

House of Commons Library produces research and provides an impartial information service to MPs and their staff. Find the latest research, briefings and data tools here. 

Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA) is a charity that provides advice, support and training to parents, carers and professionals who work with children with SEND.

National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) offers news, opinion, and research for schools and policy-makers.

National Institute of Teaching "will boost the quality of teaching and school leadership by carrying out research, applying the insights to its professional development programmes, and sharing findings with the sector. Our programmes are designed by teachers and leaders who understand the joys and pressures of school life. We work in collaboration with schools across the country, ensuring that our findings benefit all schools, teachers and leaders."

Optimus Knowledge Centres provides some videos and resources relevant to four areas, including leadership, SEN and safeguarding. Please email Ask a librarian for details on how to log in, but please be aware that we do not subscribe to all resources on the website.

QAA membership provides "vision, expertise, practical support, resources and guidance on the topics that matter to staff and students. As members, staff and students have access to a wealth of services, events, practical support and guidance to ensure institutions are well equipped for the rapidly changing higher education environment." As UW is a member institution, you can register using your UW email address. You can also sign up to receive the weekly QAA member update by email.

Social Care Online is a database from the Social Care Institute of Excellence, including resources relevant to social care and social work.

Sutton Trust "champions social mobility through programmes, research and policy influence". Lots of research here related to cost of living, school funding, mental health, access to education and more.

TACTYC - the Association for Professional Development in Early Years - provides research, news and occasional papers through their blog for practitioners, and also their journal, Early Years. Registered students can become a member for free. The University has an online subscription to Early Years journal.

TED Talks (Education) shares videos and discussions from experts and researchers “exploring the latest thinking on how to build a better school”.




News and summaries


Blogs, podcasts and video

  • BERA Blog shares research-informed comment and opinion on educational issues. This blog has an editorial team who approve posts prior to publication. Selected articles on a topic may later be reproduced in an issue of BERA Bites.
  • NFER Blog offers comment and analysis on educational research.
  • Box of Broadcasts (BoB) is an on-demand TV recording service and includes most major UK channels, including BBC, Channel 4 and Sky channels. Record programmes to watch back and create your own playlist. Log in with your university details.
  • Kanopy is a streaming service, providing access to films, documentaries and more on Education and Early Childhood.
  • Explore the University of Oxford's podcasts from the Department of Education and others.
  • The Educators (BBC) offers podcasts involving influential thinkers, researchers and teachers (2014-2015).


Email alert services




Teaching Collection and The Hive

The Teaching Collection in The Hive is full of resources you can use in the classroom and with your learners. If you can, please visit and explore what we have. Sit down to work with the resources, or wheel over one of our honeycomb picturebook boxes and have a browse.

You can borrow the kits and books - if you have any questions, please just ask the library team. It is situated at one end of our huge children's library, which offers picture books, children's fiction and non-fiction, books for parents and carers, early readers, board books and more. You can borrow from these collections too!

If you can, please join in with the exciting activities, exhibitions and events taking place throughout the year in The Hive. 

We also hold a number of special collections available to view by appointment, including education research, children's literature and childhood.


Glossaries and definitions for Education


Universal Design for Learning, neurodiversity and EDI

Universal Design for Learning is "a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn" - learn more on the CAST website, and find tips and free resources for integrating the principles of UDL into your classrooms and educational settings. Watch Katie Novak's 3 minute video which explains 'What is UDL?' - give learners a "flexible buffet" of learning options. The UDL Guidelines available on the CAST website, and updated in 2024, can be used to implement UDL in your learning environment. 

Learning about Neurodiversity in Schools (LEANS) "introduces neurodiversity concepts, and explores how they impact primary school experiences. Importantly, LEANS shows how we can hold a positive attitude towards neurodiversity, while also recognising the challenges faced by many children in school. " Download a free resource pack for educators from the LEANS website.

Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) resources for academic and university staff are available on the THE Campus website. Find resources and ideas from different academic institutions.


Books and reading

  • The Association of Senior Children's and Education Librarians (ASCEL) "provide training, peer support, best practice, resources and networking initiatives that enable our Members to give children and young people a dynamic, exciting and innovative library experience and amplify their voices." ASCEL also lead on public and schools library services. Herefordshire SLS is available to schools in and around the county, including Worcestershire (subscription service or pay as you go)..
  • BookTrust shares and supports resources, research and awards to get children reading. Try out their Bookfinder tool organised by age/stage and topic.
  • Themed book lists and children's books related to family diversity, transitions and disability are recommended on Bishop Grosseteste University's teaching resources website
  • Books for Keeps is an independent children's book magazine, offering hundreds of reviews and interviews with authors and illustrators.
  • The Chicken House Schools Hub includes a set of schemes and resources to go with some of the Chicken House publications (KS2/3).
  • CLPE Teaching Resources shares early years and primary language, vocabulary, reading and writing resources, including Power of Reading and Power of Pictures.
  • Collaborative Learning Project's website includes activities around stories for EYFS and KS1
  • Love My Books is a free resource for parents, carers and practitioners. Find children's books for different ages and topics, with lots of suggested activities to go with them.
  • Story stretching ideas from Extension Foundation - activities to connect to children's stories. Story stretching activities involve identifying and encouraging use of key vocabulary and concepts, through modelling, repetition and retelling the story. Activities may take the form of matching games, role play, crafting and small world play.
  • BRIDGE "endeavours to foster information literacy (as well as digital, visual and media literacy) as a vital basis for educating an informed citizenry that will stand up to disinformation, hate speech and fake news, enhancing the relevance of curiosity, empathy, enquiry-based learning and critical thinking, starting from childhood." Explore the potential of picture books and transmedia to support development of children's (primarily aged 8-11) information and digital literacy, and "encourage enquiry-led learning and critical thinking".  


Mental health, wellbeing and PSHE

  • Mentally Healthy Schools "is a free website for UK primary and secondary schools and further education settings, offering school staff information, advice and practical resources to better understand and promote pupils’ mental health and wellbeing."
  • Ambitious about Autism provide information and support, including a toolkit aimed at secondary school pupils, parents and teachers, Autistic and OK. The toolkit "empowers autistic pupils to take control of their mental health and wellbeing".
  • The Young Minds website shares resources for schools and teachers to support children's mental wellbeing.
  • Mindfulness in Schools Project is a registered charity offering a range of courses and resources to promote mindfulness in children aged 3-18. There are some free resources available too.
  • BBC Children in Need Mindfulness Hub offers some activities and resources to use with children.
  • A critical view of mindfulness in schools from Wellcome.
  • PSHE Association has evidence and research on PSHE education.





  • British Science Association - "We develop science engagement programmes for audiences underrepresented in, and underserved by, science". In 2024, the BSA launched an early years (3-5) CREST resource, 'Earth and beyond'!
  • CREST Awards - "CREST is a scheme that inspires young people to think and behave like scientists and engineers". Includes a resource library.


Computing and programming


Cross-curricular topics and resources

  • The international charity ActionAid offers teaching resources for download.
  • Christian Aid offers educational teaching resources for schools.
  • Digital Theatre Plus is a performing arts resource, offering live performances and educational resources. University of Worcester student and staff login required. 
  • Google Translate can be used to translate not just text but images, documents and websites. The Help pages provide step-by-step instructions.
  • NCB resources for schools - the National Children's Bureau shares resources to support the wellbeing of children.
  • RE:Quest offers resources for RE teachers and students to "explore the Christian faith".
  • Teaching Ideas and Twinkl both offer resources, games and activities across many subjects. 
  • School Community Network (USA) share resources for parents and schools in the Spotlights section of their website.


Exam board subject listings

Qualifications and specifications, including Business



Sarah Purcell

Sarah Purcell

Academic Liaison Librarian
Email Sarah


Jo Dunn

Jo Dunn

Academic Liaison Librarian
Email Jo


Tom Mandall

Tom Mandall

Tom Mandall

Academic Liaison Librarian
Email Tom


Ros Sykes

Learners outside Worcester

Book an appointment

Ros Sykes

Partnership and Transitions Liaison Librarian
Email Ros

Ask me about how to search effectively, how to evaluate sources for academic study and how to reference your sources.  Contact me with any queries about our resources and services for students studying with partner organisations.