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Stumped by searching? Confused by referencing?

by Alison Taylor on 2023-11-17T14:21:00+00:00 | 0 Comments

Very helpful. Wisk I'd known about it sooner


Library Services offer loads of online sessions to help you. Why not try:

  • Referencing (Harvard, APA, OSCOLA or MHRA)
  • Advanced searching
  • Get organised
  • Zotero reference management

If you are doing a systematic review we highly recommend:

  • (I think) I'm doing a systematic review. Now what?
  • What is PRISMA and how do I use it?

We're also running specialist sessions on education databases like the British Education Index and ERIC.

All courses, all years welcome, and we promise not to make you put your camera on. Book online.

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